Sunday, 29 September 2013

What are we doing here?

I have been home educating my 12 year old son for 6 months now and have been looking for a good curriculum we could use as a spine for our learning. I looked for a long time, weighing up price, workload and flexibilty and then I came across the Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer. Starting at the beginning with the earliest nomads it moves chronologically through history in 4 books up until the present day. I thought that with Chipman's logical way of thinking this approach would work well. I also loved that although the activity guide is full of ideas we can pick all, some, none and mix with my own activities.  It is aimed at a younger audience than Chipman but my intention is to bring it to his age level with supplemented reading and activities to challenge him. I will be stealing this very well thought out and tested reading list from a book loving home educating mum as well as using audio versions!


I was lucky to be able to pick up a copy of the book secondhand and then purchased the PDF activity book from the publisher direct. The PDF version is great as there is no bother of photocopying/scanning you can just print what you want!

I plan to  blog my lesson plans for both the history aspect and other subjects we link in, so be sure to visit us regularly to see what we're up to. Also I would love to hear from you if you are using Story of the World to hear what you're doing and share your ideas!